You Can Now Send Your Locked Down Mates In Melbourne Free Desserts This Week

It’s been a rough couple of weeks in Melbourne, but now there is a way you can help lift the spirits of your Melburnian friends and it won’t cost you a penny.

If you know anyone in Melbourne you know they can’t travel outside the 5km radius from where they live and even have to comply to a curfew that prohibits them from leaving the house after 8 pm to 5 am. Melbourne is close to the finish line with the Stage 4 restrictions however it might not be the end since the cases are still in double or triple digits.

However, you can help them feel better and bring some joy to your friend or family member’s face by sending them their favourite dessert for free, courtesy Uber Eats.

Uber Eats will deliver a dessert of your choice worth up to $20 to your friend for free! That’s right, Uber Eats is giving out free desserts to your mates in Melbourne this week, and this week only.

The only catch is that they will only allow the first 1,000 people outside of Victoria each day to send the treat free of charge. The offer will reset every day at 8 pm till Friday, September 4th.

Send some love to your Melburnian friends, get your phones out and be ready to order they’re favourite dessert before the freebie slots run out.