9 Different Ways To Can Eat A Pack Of Instant Ramen

Instant ramen is a student staple. it delicious and super cheap. Turns out there is more than one way you can use your instant ramen.

1. You can use uncooked ramen as breadcrumbs

You can take the ramen in its uncooked form and place in a food processor with dried or stale bread and other herbs and seasonings or just crush it in your hands and add some of the ramen seasonings to the crushed ramen for some added flavour. Fried food and baked casseroles just got a whole new twist.

2. You can create a crunchy trail mix with uncooked ramen

Roast your choice of nuts, with some cornflakes and chunks of uncooked ramen and you have a delicious and crunchy trail mix snack.

3. You can use ramen to make easy desserts

You can crush ramen, add it to melted peanut butter and chocolate and refrigerate to create little crunch chocolatey bites.

4. Ramen noodles can be a unique grilled cheese filling

Using ramen in your grilled cheese filling is like if tomato soup and instant noodles had a love child. All you have to do is cook the ramen noodles in tomato sauce. Then, butter two of bread, add the tomato ramen mixture and a slice of cheese in between and pan-fry the sandwich until everything is gooey and melty on the inside.

5. You can make burger buns out of instant noodles

It’s an ongoing trend right now, once you cook the noodles you put in a circular mould, add an egg and some seasoning and pop it into the fridge till it takes shape, then once its set, fry it for added crunch and keeping the “bun” in shape, and then its ready!

6. Add it as a part of your next salad.

Make your salads and coleslaws more interesting by tossing in some crushed, dried ramen noodles, because texture is everything in food right?

7. Elevate instant ramen by pan-frying them with added ingredients

This is an easy way to improve the nutrition of your meal and just make it a lot more filling. All you have to do is heat a couple teaspoons of oil in a wok or pan and stir-fry the noodles with added protein, frozen veggies, and the seasoning for a perfect dinner dish.

8. Try cooking the instant ramen on the barbie

Our favourite alternate is this. You soak the block of noodles in hot water for about five minutes before cutting it into quarters. Then, spray four large sheets of foil with nonstick oil and add the noodle pieces. Then you top it with prawn, pineapple, and peppers tossed in teriyaki sauce. Finally fold the top and sides of the foil packets and grill for about 15 minutes.

9. Use ramen as a replacement for pasta or other noodles

Ramen is super cheap, so if you have some pasta sauce lying around, it tastes as delicious with ramen as it would with pasta. Additionally, you can even make recipes that would require egg noodles or udon noodles with ramen instead.