Tinder Released The Biggest Dating Trends Of 2021, And People Are Weird

This year was weirder than the last, and that honestly reflected in the dating scene too! 

2021 was a strange one, are we dont with the pandemic? are we going into another lockdown? Do we meet in person? Are they worth being your partner bubble? Tinder is here with all the answers - in another "Year Of The Swipe" here are the most interesting facts about dating in 2021.

1. The most used emoji was the side-eye emoji! 

Last year it was the shrug, this year it's the side-eye. People have really gone from "whatever I dont care" to "you're kind of suss". I mean 2021 was a chaotic combo of scepticism and optimism!

2. A little face-time and a little face to face time!

Virtual dating was embraced more this year, and once vax rates started to soar people were keen to meet in person too. Working from home, and dating from home seems to be a great solution for homebodies - and I'm here for it!

3. First dates weren't as formal or cliched 

Dinner and drinks seemed to be a less popular choice this year, instead of being ice-breakers, first dates have now become about doing an activity together. Which I think is great especially if you guys have nothing in common or conversation is awks you can still make it through the date without wanting the earth to swallow you whole!

4. Kiss me I'm vaxxed!

Being vaxxed was a flex and was considered h-o-t! When people shared their post-vaccine lifestyle, users felt safer and more comfortable meeting in person. Tinder also made it easier by adding a vaxxed badge - This year people didn't know what's more attractive, people who are vaxxed, or peoples pictures with their dogs!

5. The little things influenced decisions more than big grand gestures.

"Small things" was a phrase that spiked by 30% this year. I mean if this pandemic taught us anything it's to make every moment count! Considering how low the standard is for more people, even planning a picnic was enough to impress users - but it is what matter more long-term so it's cuteeeee.

6. Dating anthems were influenced more by Tik-Toks than actual romance.

Music choices had sexy vibes on Tinder this year and their music choice also seemed to be affected by Tik-Tok too! The not so sext ones like Olivia Rodgrio’s good4u made it on the list too even though it’s literally a break-up song? I is confused…

Another interesting 2021 wrap-up! Keen to see what 2022 will be like, will the pandemic still be affecting our choices? Is everyone going to go on a romance adventure likes it's the 1920's? We will have to stay tuned for that dramatic turn of events.