Scott Morrison Says Coronavirus Vaccine Will Be Mandatory When It Comes To Australia

Scott Morrison announced that once the coronavirus vaccine is available it will be mandatory for all Australians.

The Prime Minister announced that Australia has partnered with UK pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca to ensure our country gets 25 million doses of the vaccine which is currently in development by Oxford University.

Once the final stages of the human trials are complete, they will manufacture the vaccine and send it to everybody. Scott Morrison was quite determined to ensure every person will take the vaccine so COVID-19 can be eliminated from the country.

On a radio interview with 3AW Radio Prime Minster was warned about the backlash he could potentially face from anti-vaxxers and he responded saying "I'm used to that, I was the minister that established 'No Jab, No Play'. My view on this is pretty clear and not for turning." For those who don’t know, The 'No Jab, No Play' is a policy which requires children to be vaccinated if they want to attend school, and has already been introduced in several states in Australia.

The vaccine is currently in the third phase of trials and is being administered to thousands of people in the UK to see whether it's successful in eliminating the coronavirus. Early test results show it works, so fingers crossed we have a vaccine available to everyone by next year.