Here Is The Unique Way How You Can Still Travel The World In 2020

Isolation isn’t all that bad when you can travel from the comfort of your own couch.

Being grounded and not having the opportunity to travel has been a real bummer, but thank god for the internet you have the chance to tour this big beautiful world from anywhere you want. The best part about virtual travelling is that you can experience a whole new place without being crammed in tourist crowds or making a giant hole in your savings.

This youtube channel features walking city tours to all the cities you have dreamed of visiting, all from the comfort of your own couch. From their own travel experiences, YouTuber and founder of City Walks Henry has created these walking tours of real cities take you on walking tours that definitely are more human than the VR ones that are floating around on the internet right now.

Here are some of our favourite tours

You can stroll down the streets of Marseille, France and enjoy the beautiful cathedrals while having breakfast. Nothing like enjoying the summer in the winter right?

Or escape to the beautiful Swiss Alps when you need a break from Netflix. They take you on a hike on a popular mountain with absolutely stunning views of mountain peaks.

We may be stuck at home for a little while longer, but at least with City Walks, you can immerse yourself in the beautiful streets of a city on the opposite side of the world.