You Can Get Paid $3500 To Taste Hot Sauces

Spicy-food lovers, your dream job has just presented itself!

You know we love a good side hustle! This time we've found you a rather spicy one that will help you make a little cash - it's a bonus if you're a hot sauce enthusiast! 

What exactly is the gig?

California Tortilla is an American hot sauce brand that's looking to create a more customised experience for its customers. They want to help find the perfect hot sauce pairings with their meal of choice! Honestly, as a hot sauce enthusiast myself, I feel like a hot sauce pairing is as important as a wine/beer pairing to enjoy the perfect spicy experience and California Tortilla has seemed to understand the assignment!

Every spicy-food lover knows that a good hot sauce can really make or break the meal, I mean some have green peppers, red peppers or some other mad spicy ingredients and the options are endless - by helping them pick the best hot sauces for their recipes you will be doing gods work!

That's why they're looking for a "Saucemelier" (it's got a good ring to it!) The Saucemelier will help them find the perfect hot sauce pairing by tasting their entire range and giving recommendations. For example, you recommend what would go best with a burrito, or a corn salad etc. Best part? You only have to do this for a week and can earn a whopping $3500 (approx USD $2500). It's a yes from me!

How do you become a Saucemelier? 

Firstly, you will have to be willing to sacrifice your taste buds for a week because they have about 75 different hot sauces you will have to try so it's definitely going to be a hot challenge, but hey at least they're compensating you with a big fat paycheck!

The application process is straightforward, all you have to do is send your resume and a short video explaining why you would be the best candidate for this spicy role! The deadline for the application is 15th December, and you have to email them at

That’s not the only exciting side-hustle that you can explore to make some extra cash! You can even get paid $9000 to watch The Simpsons as well as get paid $3000 to watch a popular interior design show!