5 Less Known Gmail Hacks That Will Super Boost Your Productivity

Like every software, Gmail has secret hacks that can seriously help increase your productivity.

Here are some of hacks that we think will help with everyday student life:

1. You can unsend an email

Save yourself from an email blunder with Gmails unsend feature to protect yourself from spelling mistakes and wrong attachments. All you have to do is go to general settings >> click on the “undo send” button >> set the invalidation period to however long you wish.

2. You can delete your email from someone else’s inbox

Gmail has developed a custom software script that hosts a self-destruct feature. This feature will prevent your email to be over-shared and/or protect sensitive information. All you have to do is add a timer to your mail and it will be self-destructed after that given time.

Click on the padlock icon near the send button >> a new tab named “confidential mode” >>click on the set expiration option >> choose your necessary changes here.

You can also add a requirement for a verification code if you want an extra later of security.

Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 2.01.35 pm.png

3. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to save time

Use the alphabet key “N” to read the next message and “P” to read the previous message if you are reading a multi-message conversion. Additionally, by holding Ctrl + Enter you can send your composed message.

You can activate using keyboard shortcuts by going to general settings >> keyboard shortcuts>> click on keyboard shortcuts on.

4. You can always “reply all”

If you have the tendency to accidentally hit “reply” instead of “reply all” then this hack is going to be really useful for you.

All you have to do is go to general settings >> scroll down to “default reply behaviour” >> choose reply all option.

5. There is an advanced search feature

Sometimes in a crowded inbox, it can be hard to find specific information but this advanced search can help you. Using this feature you can search a specific mail among hundreds of email in your inbox by applying useful filters as illustrated below:

Now you can adjust your Gmail settings and make use of all these hacks to improve how your productivity.