This University Is Using Squid Game To Teach Lectures

Because Squid Game didn’t teach enough lessons already.

A university in Australia is drawing inspiration from the Netflix-exclusive Squid Game. 


Because it teaches some valuable concepts for subjects like economics.

What is Squid Game?

Squid Game is about a large group of players, 456 to be exact, that participate in a series of six deadly games to win an insane amount of cash to pay off their gratuitous debts.

It’s one of the most successful shows on Netflix, ever. We recommend watching it anyway, even if economics makes you want to fall asleep.

In fact, here are some real-life lessons you can learn from Squid Game (there will be spoilers):

If you’re a fan already, then you may be keen to read these Squid Game fan theories!

But we must ask again…why?

Monash University pitched the idea. They think this popular Korean Netflix show can teach complex and basic theories in the world of economics.

It’s the gamification of it all that can help students grasp such concepts though.

Researchers at Monash have developed an interactive tool that derives concepts and insights from Squid Game for introductory-level economics classes. 
From the first semester of 2022, if you’re attending the university and the economics course, then you’ll get the pleasure of being one of the first to trial it out. More specifically in the microeconomics class.

But don’t worry, there won’t be any live demonstrations…

Will we see more universities use pop culture to teach their classes? We hope so!

CultureChristina Attrah