Queensland Is Opening Borders To All States Except Victoria

Queensland is easing their restrictions and opening its borders to all states except one.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced that Queensland will open its borders for interstate visitors from 10th July 2020, except Victorian visitors. They have said that anyone who has travelled from Victoria and enters Queensland from this Friday (3rd July 2020), including Queenslanders, will have to quarantine at their own expense for 14 days.

Residents from Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Northern Territory and the ACT will be allowed to travel to Queensland after filling out a border declaration. However, due to the massive spike of active cases in Victoria, Queensland is being cautious and choosing to protect themselves from a possible second wave.

Unfortunately, Victoria saw a spike in cases overnight, leading to the biggest daily increase seen since April and even going back into Level 3 lockdown in certain suburbs.

So for non-Victorian residents who had travel plans during your winter break can explore the possibility of enjoying the sunny vibes of Queensland. As for the Victorians, sit tight, wash your hands, continue to responsibly social distance and hope for the case numbers to drop.