It's Mandatory To Wear A Face Mask In Locked Down Parts Of Victoria

It’s official, as an effort to bring down the cases, everyone in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will be required to wear a face mask when they are in public.

Dan Andrews announced that everyone will be required to wear face masks, and here is what you need to know.

Does mask-wearing protect us from COVID-19?

Yes, Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says universal mask-wearing is important because an infected person wearing a mask sheds less of the virus and people around them are less exposed. Additionally, While self-isolation and physical distancing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, masks provide a physical barrier to the virus and make social interactions safer.

Dan Andrews also added that wearing masks will be the new normal for a very long time, and everyone has to adapt to the changes and embrace a new lifestyle.

Who needs to wear a mask?

Everyone over the age of 12 will be required to wear a mask, children over the age of 2 can be considered by younger than 2 years old don’t need to wear a face mask when they leave their house.

Who doesn’t need to wear a mask?

Unless you have a medical reason or are doing an activity that is absolutely impossible to do with a mask, you should be wearing a mask at all times. So keep a face mask handy, so it’s always available for you to wear.

Do I need to wear a surgical mask?

No, you don’t need a surgical mask, you can use a cloth mask, scarf or even make one at home. Just remember to wash your mask every time you use it with detergent in a hot water cycle. The Victoria government has also made a video guide to show you how you can make a mask at home.

How do I wear a mask properly?

Make sure your mask is completely covering your nose and mouth, and the elastic should be fastened behind your ear without leaving any gaps on the side.