How To Protect Your Mental Health During University

The semester has just begun, but the next 12 weeks are going to have their ups and downs. Here is how you can protect your mental health during the roller-coaster experience of getting a degree!

1. Set small goals


Whether its study deadlines, personal and adulting tasks set small goals. If you’re working on your assignment, tackle one section at a time, make sure your goals are achievable and realistic. This way you will be able to reward yourself when you complete a task and it will protect you from being overwhelmed and stressed.

2. Make sure there is a structure to your day


Having a regular routine can be hard during university, but even if you can have a small activity during the day that stays consistent throughout the semester it can make a huge difference. For example, it could be writing a journal or taking 10 mins to listen to all your favourite songs, or even making a to-do list for the day.

3. Take care of your body


Yes yes, I’m sure you know that physical health helps with mental health, but its more than exercise. You need to stretch your body, get enough sleep and not have instant food for all your meals. In the wise words of Elle Woods “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy."

4. If you’re not okay, seek help


All unis have support resources and access to counselling, so keep that information handy. If you think something is off, book an appointment and don’t be afraid to ask for help, they have services especially to support you through stressful times.