Here's How You Can Support The #BlackLivesMatter Movement In Australia

“Anti-racism is about doing and not just knowing,” - Leslie Mac

Racism against black, indigenous and people of colour has been a reality for centuries, but the recent murder of George Floyd who died as a victim of police brutality has sparked outrage all over the world, uniting people to fight and end the racial oppression and injustice that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and Person of Colour) communities continue to face. This is the moment for all non-black communities to recognise their privilege, use their resources and voice their support against black oppression indefinitely.

The horrific acts of police brutality in America has also sparked conversations about Australia’s own issues of racism against First Nation Australians. Despite only comprising of 2% of the Australian population, First Nation Australia represents 28% of the prison population. Australia is no exception to systemic racism, and we have to take responsibility and stand against the injustice that First Nation Australians face. It’s the uncomfortable reality we cannot ignore.

Here, we have outlined a range of different resources and tangible ways can be an ally to Black and Aboriginal communities locally and globally:

Petitions you can sign:

1. Justice For George Floyd

2. Justice for Breonna Taylor

3. Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

4. We Can’t Breathe

5. Aboriginal Brutality Support

Australian organisations you can donate to:

1. Bridging The Gap Foundation For Indigenous Health and Education 

Their objective is to fund research into health and education to bridge the socioeconomic gap between First Nations people and non-First Nations people.

2. North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency 

A not-for-profit legal service that provides criminal and civil law services to Aboriginal people and their families in the Top End of Northern Territory, Australia.

3. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance 

An organisation that advocates and empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in Australia.

4. Justice for Tanya: Day Family Fundraiser 

A fundraiser to help the family of Tanya Day, a proud Yorta Yorta woman who died in custody as a result of mistreatment by the Victoria Police, in their ongoing campaigning against Aboriginal deaths in custody.

5. Justice for Yuendumu: Inquiry on Police Shooting 

Kumanjayi Walker was shot by police three times in his home in Yunedumu. The funds raised through this campaign will be used to pay for lawyers to travel to Yuendumu to facilitate an independent inquiry into the shooting.

6. Justice for David Dungay Junior 

A fund to support the family of David Dungay Junior, an Aboriginal man who died in a Sydney jail in a similar way to George Floyd.

International organisations you can donate to:

1. The Bail Project 

A not-for-profit to prevent incarceration and combat racial and economic disparities in the U.S. bail system.

2. Reclaim the Block 

A Minneapolis organisation driving community-led safety initiatives to reduce reliance on police departments.

3. Black Visions Collective 

A social justice organisation in Minneapolis that campaigns to dismantle systems of oppression and violence.

4. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational fund 

A legal organisation fighting for racial justice.

5. George Floyd Memorial Fund 

Started by George Floyd's family, this fund helps to cover his funeral and support their family as they move through court proceedings.

6.Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organisation whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes

7. Video Project

This video project was created to offer people a way to donate and financially contribute to Black Lives Matter without having any actual money or going out to protest themselves. 100% of the advertisement revenue this video makes through AdSense will be donated to the associations that offer protester bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy.

Protests you can attend in Australia


 Stop All Black Deaths In Custody: Vigil for George Floyd

Location: Saturday, June 6, 3 pm until 5 pm., 20 Lee St, Chippendale


Stop Black Deaths In Custody - Justice For George Floyd #BLM hosted by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance

Location: Saturday, June 6, 2 pm to 5 pm, Parliament House, Melbourne


Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protest. Justice for George Floyd!

Details: Saturday, June 6, 3 pm, U.S. Embassy, Yarralumla


Black Lives Matter Protest organised by the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance

Details: Saturday, June 6, 12 pm, Queen Street Mall


Perth Peaceful BLM Protest

Details: Saturday, June 13, 12 pm, Hyde Park, Vincent St and William St


Adelaide: Solidarity With Minneapolis! Justice For George Floyd

Details: Saturday, June 6, 12 pm to 1:30 pm, Northern end of Tarndanyangga, Victoria Square

This list is by no means exhaustive and is only the tip of the iceberg, racism developed over centuries, and isn’t something that can be defeated overnight. It will take work, learning and unlearning deep-rooted beliefs and prejudices. So we need to make long-term efforts by educating ourselves so that we can be anti-racist even after this global news cycle surrounding Black Lives Matter ends because black lives will always matter, today and forever.