Here Is How You Can Stay Productive During Online Classes

Most students have found a drop in productivity since shifting to online classes, however, by adopting some new habits you can improve your quality of learning.

We have listed 5 easy things that you can do, to improve your productivity and focus during an online class.

1. Take notes the old fashioned way

When taking notes during an online class, try using pen and paper to make notes instead of typing them, studies prove that it helps you focus better. It will also help break-up your screen time and protect your eyes from being over-strained.

Here is a video that shows you different methods you can use to take notes during an online class.

2. Create a schedule

The most cliched recommendation, but it's a super important one. When you have a schedule, you can set deadlines for your assignments, add in your class schedule, and most importantly it will help give more structure to your day. Additionally, having a schedule also helps relieve stress and prevents you from getting overwhelmed with tasks at the last minute.

This video is a shows you how you can use Google keep and Google calendar to keep yourself organised.

3. Create a designated workspace

Creating a designated workspace is your secret weapon to improve your productivity and attention span during an online class. It can be your kitchen/dining table, a desk in the corner of your bedroom, or whole office space, set aside one area dedicated to your uni-work. This will condition your brain to become more productive when you are studying in that area.

This video is a great starter guide to create the perfect study space for you.

4. Communicate during class to keep you from zoning out

When you engage in the class, ask questions in the zoom chatroom and spark discussions with your friends and classmates, it will prevent you from phasing in and out of what your professor is saying.

5. Form a virtual study group

If you are someone who prefers group studying and finds it to be more productive then you should definitely continue to do so online. If you already have a study group then organise weekly study sessions and quiz each other, and exchange notes from your previous lectures. If you are just starting out and don’t have a study buddy/group yet, check with other students in your zoom class if someone else is interested in group studying. Sure, putting yourself out there can be unnerving but the pay-off is definitely worth giving it a go.

Here are some tips to help you organise a virtual group study meeting.