Here Is How New South Wales And Victoria Are Easing Coronavirus Restrictions

We are one step closer to the end of online learning.

After the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcement of the federal government’s 3-stage guide to getting the country out of the coronavirus lockdown, New South Wales and Victoria announced their territory-specific steps to re-open their specific territories.

From Friday 15th May 2020, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced that:

  1. Up to 10 people will be permitted to participate in outdoor gatherings

  2. You can now have up to 5 visitors gathering from other households

  3. Cafe’s and restaurants will be allowed to open up, provided they have 10 people dining in at a time and can continue to operate take-away services

  4. Weddings will be allowed to up to 10 guests

  5. Funerals will be allowed to have 20 mournes indoors and 30 outdoors

  6. Religious gatherings will be permitted to have 10 worshippers at a time

  7. Outdoor pools will re-open with certain restrictions

  8. Outdoor playground and exercise equipment can be used with caution

  9. Students will return to classes 1 day a week and will increase attendance during the course of the term

Keeping that in mind, all universities may adapt differently to the changed restrictions. It’s best to contact your universities and check what their revised arrangements are in light of the ease of previous restrictions.


From Wednesday 13th May, Victoria’s premier Daniel Andrews announced that:

  1. Previously you could only leave the house to shopping for essentials, medical care, physical exercise, and working/studying if you can’t do it remotely. However, a fifth reason has been added i.e. you can now visit your friends and family if you need to.

  2. Up to 10 people will be permitted to participate in outdoor gatherings but must maintain a 1.5m distance at all times.

  3. You can now have up to 5 visitors gathering from other households.

  4. Weddings will be allowed to up to 10 guests

  5. Funerals will be allowed to have 20 mournes indoors and 30 outdoors

  6. Religious gatherings will be permitted to have 10 worshippers at a time

  7. Students that are in grade 1 and 2, year 11 and year 12 will go back to school from 26th May 2020. All other students will return to school on 9th June 2020.

The ease of restrictions is looking promising and if we continue to follow the rules, get tested if you’re displaying symptoms, and maintain good hygiene, we might just be able to bid adieu to zoom classes sooner rather than later.

For more information from the World Health Organisation on Coronavirus, click here.