Here Is A Simple Guide To Help You Ace Your Exams

These simple steps will definitely help you with your pre-exam jitters.

Here are some things you can practice that is simple but can make the world of a difference.

1. Create your perfect study environment

Let’s be honest, you’re going to be spending a fair share of your time here so it’s important that you put a little thought into where you want this to be and how you plan on utilising this space to study well. This video is a great tutorial to set-up the best study space to be more productive and less stressed.

2. Simplify your study plan

Collate your lecture slides, readings and notes for your various topics/chapters, this way you can create isolated study material which won’t be super overwhelming and will also help reduce your reading time by eliminating information that might be repeated on your study materials. I’ve tried it myself and it really does make pre-exam revisions less daunting!

Then, you can create a study schedule based on these topics/chapters and easily focus on one topic at a time. This video is a great tutorial on how to make a simple and effective study schedule.

3. Schedule in a blackout period to study

Calendar blocking is one of the easiest ways to increase efficiency whilst you study and helps you not put your entire life on hold for a whole month! This video will help you understand how you can effectively use calendar blocking to ace your exams AND have a life!

4. Meal Prep

If cooking is not something you do to unwind or is not something you’re particularly keen on doing then meal prepping is your new best friend. Good meal prep will not only make sure that you are still eating healthy and getting all the nutrition (not only depending on pizza and noodles!) and it will save you loads of time that you can use to do things you actually like.

Additionally, meal prep is also so much kinder to your wallet, when you plan ahead you can make a lot more meals for a lot less $$. This vlogger made 21 meals for $70! If you need a little inspiration for your meal prep, we recommend watching her video.

5. Make time to relax

It’s an obvious tip, but we always forget to take some time out for ourselves. Figure out what de-stresses you and something you enjoy and make time for it during the day. Whether it’s a good workout, watching your favourite sit-com, catching-up with friends or just face-masking and listening to music, give it as much importance as you would to your studies. This will help maintain a good work-play balance and will help you keep your stress levels in check, and we all know how important that is!