Fast Food Hacks That Will Shave Dollars Off Your Order

Student life is all about hustling right? 

Listen, saving on fast food is like a whole another thrill for some reason. 10/10 recommend you try it! Here are some of the best ones in my opinion. 

1. Poor man's big mac

This one is easy instead of ordering a big mac, you can order a double cheeseburger, ask them to replace the ketchup and mustard with lettuce and mayo sauce and you can get the same thing for $1 cheaper! If you want to you can then even treat yourself from their dollar menu with your little saving!


If you love the fries and onion rings from Hungry Jacks, apparently you can order "Frings" which means that Hungry Jacks will give you half portions of each, so you dont have to order them separately. Saving you some extra cash without missing out on your favs!

3. Get 2 cheeseburgers for the price of 1 at Carls Jr  

If you use your Student Beans discount at Carls Jr. you can get 2 California Classic Double Cheeseburger for the price of 1. So in case your looking for a quick lunch, head to a Carls Jr and eat for half price!

4. Krispy Kreme - the king of freebies 

Not only does Krispy Kreme giveaway a 4-box of original glazed doughnuts to you if it's your birthday, but if you see a bright neon lit up at your local Krispy Kreme means you can score a free original glazed doughnut, the cherry on top is these free delights would be baked hot and straight out of the oven - fresh deliciousness. 

5. Score free toppings at Hungry Jacks

Supposedly Hungry Jacks gives out free salad toppings so you can claim lettuce, beetroot and pickles for free! So you could essentially get the cheapest burger on the menu and jussh it up with some veggies - especially on the days where you're broke AF.

6. Starbucks double iced coffee 

If you and a friend are heading to Starbucks for your iced coffee fix, you have to only order one (ask for no ice) and order the ice separately (which should be free). it would literally be 2 drinks! You can order the ice separately in another glass for free and then just half-half it. In case you need to have a full shot of coffee for yourself - just order a double shot - same caffeine hit but half the price! 

7. Pizza size calculator  

When I discovered this, it just made so much sense. This calculator basically helps you measure the different sizes of pizza and whether it's a smarter purchase to size up or not. You know the little value at the bottom of a price label in coles that tells you how much it is per litre or per kg. This calculator does that for you but for pizzas! 

It can also compare pizzas from different stores, so you can even compare which pizza restaurant is giving you the best value! Because pepperoni is pepperoni everywhere right? So why pay more?

Want more food hacks? Here are all the secret menu items you could order from Maccas!