Assistance Dogs Australia Is Looking For People To Look After Their Puppies

If you’re a sucker for puppies and dogs, but you don’t think you can take on the responsibility of permanently committing to adopting a pet, then this is going to be music to your ears.

Assistance Dogs Australia is looking for volunteers who can help care for the puppies for their first year before they are fully trained and ready to support people with physical disabilities, children with autism, and those with PTSD.

They’ll provide you with everything you need to take care of the pup, and you won’t even need to train them yourselves, they have professionals who will help out with that! The only condition that they do have that you work part-time or less and be available for fortnightly lessons.

The part that sucks is that after a year, you will have to send them back to Assistance Dogs Australia who will then pair them with someone who needs them but hey at least you will have good karma and 365 of unlimited dog cuddles. It’s better than no puppy in your life right? If you’re keen to apply all you have to do is head to their website and fill out their application form

Would you apply? Just look at those precious faces!