7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Uni

If you’re just starting with your uni life, here are some tips that I wish someone had shared with me when before my first semester.

1. Grades are not everything.


Getting an HD/H1 grade may seem like the most important thing in the world. In hindsight, in the real world, nobody really cares about your grade average, so dont stress yourself out too much on how much you score, just focus on learning.

2. Take advantage of all the support and resources you have access to from the very beginning.

Uni services and student union support is like those hidden apple iPhone features that are super helpful but, you had no idea existed. From student advocacy to special academic support/exemptions, there is so much additional information that you should keep handy!

3. Look after your mental and physical health.

It's so easy to put your health on the back burner during uni, but trust me when I say you need to make time to take care of yourself. Giving priority to your mental and physical health will also help to make your academic and social aspect of uni better.

4. Leaving referencing to the end will be messy.


DO NOT leave referencing to the end, especially if you're a last-minute assignment kind of person. The only part of referencing you should leave to the end is arranging the order or exporting your final bibliography. You'll be saving yourself from a truckload of stress and panic.

5. Attend every uni event you can.

The events may seem trivial when you are in uni, but I made some of the best memories at the social events AND its an absolutely brilliant place to strengthen your professional network, so join clubs, attend the balls and go to that guest speaker event - you will not regret it!

6. Confront your stress when it overwhelms you.

Yes, I can confirm that the last few weeks of uni are a different kind of hell and there will be moments that you're just done with everyone and everything. When that happens no matter how busy you are, don't suppress it instead confront it. Actively make an effort to do something that de-stresses you out. Taking some time out for yourself even when it's super hectic will protect you from burning out (and you don't want that right before exams!)

7. Student hacks are a lot more useful than you think.


Honestly, the student hacks, chrome extensions and shortcuts that I learnt along the way were so helpful I wish I knew them beforehand. The best part? You now have Tik-Tok which is literally is the hub for life hacks so get exploring before uni-work gets hectic! Yes, I have just given you a valid reason to scroll through your FYP, you're welcome.