10 Iconic Australian Snacks We All Know And Love

When it comes to inventing legendary snacks, Australia knows how it’s done.

1. Caramello Koalas


Nothing says Australia like a chocolate treat in the shape of the unofficial Australian mascot. This sweet, sticky and scrumptious snack has a well-balanced caramel-chocolate ratio and is the perfect choice of decadence. 

2. Golden Gaytime Ice-Cream

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An Australian favourite since the ’70s, this toffee and vanilla ice cream, covered in chocolate and dunked in honeycomb biscuits is a dessert dream on a stick. The popularity of this delicious dessert has inspired more versions of it like ice-cream tubs, ice-cream sandwiches, cross-over specials with Cornetto, and Special Krispy Kreme Donuts. So, you can experience its deliciousness in more ways than one.

3. Arnotts Shapes 

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I think everyone will agree, Arnott’s Shapes is Australia’s most treasured cracker. The abundance of flavour choices and the nostalgic sentiment it has with everyone that’s grown up here makes it a hit at every social gathering, and a great eat-it-by-yourself snack. 

4. Cheezels

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We’re just going to say it when it comes to cheese puffs, we prefer Cheezels over Cheetos any day! Placing one Cheezel on every finger and eating them one by one is an out-of-this-world cheeky experience.

5. Cherry Ripes

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A historic chocolate bar, the cherry and coconut filled centre coated with rich dark chocolate is the love child between a bar of bounty chocolate and a cordial cherry; a unique flavour combination that has won many hearts of people down under.

6. Vegemite 

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There is no in-between, you either strongly love it or potently hate it. The secret to embracing this national icon is the perfect butter to Vegemite ratio. You only need to lightly scrape some Vegemite on a buttered toast for the perfect flavour balance. If you don’t trust your own efforts, you can always cheat and get a pre-made version of a Vegemite toast.

At our Melbourne office, we are fans of the Vegemite scrolls that you can get at every grocery store’s bakery section. If you’re anti-Vegemite right now, take our advice and give Vegemite another go, the right way.

7. Tim Tams

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Now an international sensation, these chocolate malted biscuits are a class apart.

The Aussie way of enjoying them is by doing the “Tim-Tam Slam”. First, you bite off a corner from the top and bottom side of the biscuit and use it as a straw to slurp up a hot beverage like a warm glass of milk. Then you eat it before the structural integrity of the biscuit is compromised which will then unleash a melted gooey chocolate centre which is absolutely divine. 



A combination of drool-worthy malt and chocolate, Milo has it’s very own distinct flavour that is not like another run of the mill hot chocolate, or any chocolate drink for that matter. Traditionally it’s added to a cold glass of milk but we also love using it as a topping for ice-cream or, just having an un-adulterated massive spoonful of pure Milo.

9. Minties

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If you haven’t almost lost a tooth chewing on a refreshing, sticky Minties then you are missing out. Minties is an addictive favourite amongst Aussie children and also a nostalgic indulgence amongst Aussie adults.

10. Fairy Bread

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Combining white bread, butter and rainbow sprinkle maybe be unconventional to the world, but in Australia, it is a genius, easy to make sugary wonder. A childhood memory for most Aussie kids, a plate full fairy bread is bound to bring a smile to their faces.