10 Good Things That Actually Happened In 2020

Whilst we wrap up this wretched here, we reflect back on the 10 good things that actually happened in 2020.

Here are our favourite top 10 good things that happened this year:

1. Oxytocin “love” hormone might cure degenerative brain diseases


This year, they discovered that increased levels of Oxytocin can help treat, and even possibly cure conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia. Your affection curing your loved ones, might not just be a sentiment anymore!

2. Pollution levels dropped significantly


Sure lockdown sucked, but all of us being grounded and at home definitely help the planet, as pollutions levels dropped because transports and businesses were stopped. Can you imagine how easy it is to help the planet if we are just a little conscious of our choices?

3. Good news got some the spotlight


2020 was off to such a rough start, that people took it up to ensure that good news was circulated as much as all the nasty and dark news updates we got from mainstream media. For example, John Krasinski launched a youtube channel called “Some Good News.” to help good news go viral, and it was awesome!

4. Distilleries volunteered to produce badly needed hand sanitiser.

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Both small and large Aussie distilleries used their available resources to help with the high-demand and supply shortage of sanitiser. The distilleries included big brands like Carton United Breweries, Four Pillars and Archie Rose Distilling Co.

5. Major companies such as 3M and Apple helped with the mask shortage problem


Huge brands like 3M and Apple gathered their resources to help the face mask shortage for health workers by producing millions of masks themselves. The way this pandemic has brought people together has been really heartwarming.

6. Crayola launched a box of crayons with diverse skin colours


Crayola took the initiative to improve their representation, by launching a box of skin colour crayons that included many skin shades. Their intention was so children would be able to "accurately colour themselves into the world." How awesome is that?

7. An International film won the Academy Award for best picture FOR first time in history.


Best believe Korean cinema to make history. The brilliant movie “Parasite” was the first international film to take the award home setting a pathway for foreign films from all around the world.

8. Africa was declared free of polio

After 4 years of no cases of polio, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared Africa to be polio-free which is a huge victory for the continent!

9. Competitive breakdancing “breaking” will officially be a sport at the 2024 Paris Olympics


It’s time for dancers to shine! The first-ever form of dancing is going to include as a sport at the Olympics and dancers across the world are finally officially going to be considered athletes which is a big win for Arts around the world too.

10. Same-sex marriage was legalised in Ireland and Costa Rica


The legalisation of same-sex is a huge milestone for the LGBTQI+ community and helps in making huge strides in fighting for equal civil rights for the LGBTQI+ community in this world.

honorary mention: Ugly dog and cat photos


Pet photos have helped us survive this wretched year, but we have to admit that unflattering dog and cat photos have truly been our crutch to sanity.
At least we can wrap up this year knowing that there were some good things that happened this year, and there is hope for 2021!