4 Tik-Tok Hacks For Broke Students Travelling On A Budget

Get ready to travel again!

International travel is back on the cards, but it's not any cheaper, so here are a few hacks that can save you some cash that you can actually spend having fun! Looking for a solution to every aspect of my life, I turned to Tik-Tok yet again to find the best travel hacks, and let's just say these creators did not disappoint! Here are the best travel hacks, that I will definitely be using when I travel next!

1. The faux travel pillow

One of the most invasive experiences is when they weigh your hand baggage before boarding, especially if you're above limited it's low-key embarrassing. However, travel smarty also known as @nolimitua found a way to carry extra baggage in the form of a "pillow" this is because airlines never impose fees on pillows. @nolimitua recommends using a zip pillowcase to sneakily carry some extra clothes or softer baggage. Shameless? Maybe. Genius? Absolutely!

2. If you're smart about it, you can get a whole row of seats to yourself!

There's no better surprise than when you can get the entire row, don't have to slide, scooch or accidentally step on people - it's a good life!

Chelsea Dickenson, a holiday expert shared on Tik-Tok how to increase your chances to get a full row to yourself. If you're travelling with a friend, purchase an aisle and a window seat, people are less likely to pick the middle seat and will look elsewhere! If you're travelling alone, book a middle seat and reduce the probability of people travelling pairs or groups wanting to book the seats next to you! The only catch is, the flight can't be fully booked, so people have options.

3. Neck Brace >> Travel Pillow

I have recently learned that neck pillows are actually meant to be put on the front of your neck rather than your back but honestly travel pillows are just meh in my opinion, and TikTok user @helloKristen shares my opinion and thought that maybe a neck brace would be a good idea and she claims its the ultimate hack to not messing up your neck on long flights! Another appeal is a neck brace is much cheaper than a decent travel pillow. 

4. Use vacuum bags to avoid checking luggage

Vacuum bags are a travel essential! Especially if you're carrying fluffier winter clothes! You can get two extra-large vacuum bags for $4 from Kmart and pack almost double of what you could without the vacuum bags. Also, this means you dont have to drag around more luggage bags - that makes it easier! 

Planning to travel again? Check out all the countries that are welcoming Aussie travellers again. Plus, if you're looking for a change, you can even get paid $45,000 to move to Europe!