This Website Gives You Recipe Ideas Based On What's Already In Your Fridge

Ever just ended up with a random bunch of ingredients that you have no idea to cook with, and also hate food waste? We found a really great website to help you cook with ingredients you already have!

If you’re anything like me, I always buy ingredients based on one dish that I want to cook and then don’t know how to use those ingredients again or am stuck with random quantities that I don’t know how to use.

That’s when I stumbled upon this website - and it's been an absolute life-saver!

All you have to do is select the ingredients that you have in your pantry and fridge, and the website will give you heaps of recipes that you can try out. The recipes are not super complex, so it’s pretty handy even if your skills don’t lie in cooking (like me). Here’s a little tutorial on how to use the website if you need one.

Happy cooking!