The Unflattering Dog Photo Challenge Is Exactly What We Need Right Now

If you need a quick laugh-riot, keep reading.

If you’re one of those people that’s social feeds is flooded with doggos and fur babies on adventures then this trend of unflattering dog pictures are absolutely hilarious and adorable. This #unflatteringdogphotochallenge is all the hype on Insta right now, and honestly, we’re not complaining.

Here are some of the best ones we could find for you to enjoy!

1. The doggo that thoroughly enjoys his car rides.

2. The wet-look is clearly not for him

3. This aussie shepherd who’s just had enough of the water

4. Walter here really really loves peanut butter!

5. This chonky delight

6. Sleeping beauty got nothing on this floofer

7. When they ‘smile’ but you ain’t ready for the photo yet

8. Then when you’re really really ready for the photo.

9. The master of the boops

10. We are at loss for words…