Non-Aussies Are Sharing The Strangest Things They Just Found Out About Australia

Here are a bunch of tweets that will make you laugh, but you might even learn some Aussie phrases that you didn’t know about, because apparently the rest of the world is more thorough than us in our slang!

1. Just realised not even McDonalds calls itself McDonalds in Australia..

2. We think everyone needs meat pies in their lives.

3. The simple joy of an Aussie childhood is an absolute genius dessert, you can’t convince us otherwise.

4. Name a country that comes up with better abbreviations. we’ll wait.

5. We turn up, we vote and we get rewarded with snags - why does the rest of the world not do this?

6. Actually sprinkles and 100s & 1000s are different, but we’l take the compliment.

7. Okay this is news to us, but we’re keen to try this.

8. Gang on wheels, but make them less intimidating

9. It is what it is

10. Don’t think it’s right to take credit for British English spellings, but…

10. It’s healthier, and there’s are too many kangaroos so what are you going to do

11. Our favourite Aussie phrases are deffo the rhyming ones!

12. They are precious potato invention!

13. Can we start a petition to make Aussie phrases more mainstream because how much better is ‘tracky dacks.’

14. Have to admit, this is one visual phrase.

15. This man really needs to be a served a good snags on sangas and given a lecture on the importance of language efficiency

16. Who ever called them Weiner dogs?

17. Ummm there’s only a 50% chance you said “scissors paper rock “and not “rock paper scissors”

18. We think it’s more polite and has a better ring to it.

Another day, another set of bizzare tweets that confuse us and make us laugh!