How To Reach Peak Health & Still Enjoy Your Student Life

Want to keep healthy during your student years? Here’s how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while studying.

Students get a rep for a few things: late nights, rowdy partying, tight budgets and cooking skills (if that’s what you call them). Unfortunately, booze, noodles and dancing into the early hours on a regular basis will take a toll on your health.

On top of that, if you consume alcohol, then your nutrients will deplete more than someone who doesn’t and you’ll be rushing to Google “best hangover cures” on those really rough mornings. And exercise? We’re sorry to break it to you, but rolling out of bed and walking 5 minutes to your campus for a lecture doesn’t count.

It’s important to get moving and keep your macros and vitamins up for a healthy body and mind. So today, we’re going to show you how you can still stay healthy while enjoying your student years to the fullest.

Look after your overall health

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We know this sounds broad, and we’re going to get into the nitty-gritty later. But if you want to know how you can make a start on getting your mind and body healthy throughout uni, then you may be interested to hear about a student discount from nib known as GreenPass.

GreenPass is nib’s brand new, insurance-free way to support your health. It’s a membership with great perks to help you put your health first. Essentially, you can get access to discounted health products and services, including:

  • Fitness programs

  • Meal subscriptions

  • Clothing and accessories

  • Exclusive pricing on health services through nib’s network of dentists, physiotherapists, and optical providers across Australia.

The meal subscriptions could come especially handy if you struggle to find time to cook healthy meals!

Plus, if you connect and track your health and fitness via the Well with nib App, you can unlock even bigger discounts.

How much can I save with GreenPass?

In terms of health services, you can save on the following:

  • 21%* on dental check-ups and other dental procedures (saving $45 off an average $214 check-up and clean)

  • 17%* on individual and group physiotherapy consultation fees (saving $17 off a $100 standard consultation)

  • 5 - 25% on the retail price of select single-vision glasses (discounts may vary).

Sign up with Student Beans to access Advanced GreenPass for an exclusive price of $3.99 for the first year (that’s 11 months free).

Knuckle down on a balanced diet

girl chopping fruit

Maintaining a balanced diet is key. You can still enjoy some of your favourite foods, so long as you balance it out with nutritious food and lots of hydration.

If you live in student halls, you’ll have to fend for yourself when it comes to the kitchen. Make an essential food shopping list so you know what healthy meals you can cook throughout the week. If you’re unsure, check out some healthy food Instagram inspo to get you inspired to cook some new, healthy meals. 

Plus, if you find yourself short on time or have a ton of deadlines, you can freeze your leftovers and have them the next day (because we know how tempting it can be to get a takeaway during busy times!).

(Try) to avoid all-nighters

girl on phone late at night

Left a deadline too late? It happens. It’s okay to stay up a little later to finish an assignment, but a full night of work can really strain your body and mind.  With proper planning and effective revising techniques, you can stay organised and avoid the stress and toll it takes on pulling an all-nighter. 

Why is it so bad? Pulling an all-nighter can really affect your cortisol (the hormone responsible for your stress response). Too much can make you feel really awful, plus, your circadian rhythm will be out of whack and cause the next few nights of sleep to be challenging.

Keep burnout at bay

Burnout, especially academic burnout, happens when we put far too much on ourselves and don’t take a break. It can cause exhaustion, irritability and make you neglect things like self-care. 

Start small by identifying what’s causing your burnout. Is your room a mess? Do you have too many deadlines you left too late? Are you drinking enough water? Small changes amount to big ones, so work your way up and try not to change too many things at once.

Speaking of breaks…

Take breaks

friends walking with coffee

When was the last time you let your hair down, hung out with friends or went on a trip of some kind? Breaks are great for the body and mind, as they take you out of your immediate environment for a bit to unwind. 

Not getting enough social interaction can lead to loneliness at university or college, so reach out to a friend and organise something as simple as a trip to your local coffee shop for a catch-up. 

If you plan on travelling, nib’s Advanced GreenPass members receive 7% off nib Travel Insurance!

Exercise in a way that you enjoy

man bouldering

Moving your body is always good to keep it in tip-top shape. Something as simple as getting your 10k steps a day could be all you need. If you want to do something more substantial, but you hate the gym, that’s okay! It’s not the only form of exercise that exists, after all.

Pick up a sport or activity you’ve always wanted to try, such as roller skating, rock climbing or simply just jogging around your neighbourhood to keep costs low. The more you enjoy the form of exercise you pick, the more likely you are to stick to it! And if you’re worried about going alone, ask some friends to join you. It can make exercise even more fun.

Interested in nib’s GreenPass to help you keep up with your health and well-being? Sign up via Student Beans to access Advanced GreenPass for the exclusive price of $3.99 for the first year (11 months free).

*Discounts may vary.