Here Is How You Can Turn Your Hobbies Into Work Experience

It’s so frustrating when they expect you to have work experience fresh out of uni, like how do they think that works? Anyway, here are 3 ways you can turn your hobbies into work experience and impress them with your CV.

1. Publish


It’s so easy to start a blog or vlog (hello Tik-Tok!) and you can create content on anything but be smart about what would work for your CV. Depending on what kind of role you would be applying for in the future, create content from that perspective. For example, if you’re looking at teaching, creative arts or marketing you can start making videos or write articles helping others improve their skills in those areas. This way, you are publicly showcasing all the knowledge and skill you picked whilst pursuing your hobby, essentially creating a “portfolio” or “proof of work.” Play the freelancer card, and add a link to your work and make your hobby legit work experience

2. Teach


If you’re in a field that you can teach whilst in uni - DO IT. If you can help running a class, get a tutoring job during the semester or as I mentioned above, start an online educational platform to share your expertise, the skills you pick up from teaching are highly regarded in any field because you can only teach what we’re experts in right?

3. Volunteer


The plethora of clubs that exist is your GOLDEN opportunity to get your hands on some work experience, If you enjoy photography, volunteer to cover the events and shoot their promo videos, keen on marketing and events? join their event or marketing department and learn the works. You can even use your IT or coding knowledge and improve their presence on the internet, the possibilities are endless. from personal experience I can promise, this is counted as legit experience on your CV.

Now get going, and add that extra juice to your CV!
