Here Is How You Can Find The Motivation To Stick To Your Resolutions Beyond January

Resolutions are controversial, some believe it works but many struggle to stick their intended lifestyle changes beyond January because life happens and in all honesty change is never easy.


Here are a few ways that you can keep your resolutions - if you really want to:

1. Ask yourself, why you decide to take on this new year resolution?

Why did you decide on this resolution, reflect back on what led you to choose your resolution for this year, was it because you wanted to take better care of yourself, or you want that extra boost to help yourself grow or just make sure you have more fun this year. I’m no life coach but in my experience, whenever you identify the purpose of something, you can a deeper motivation to see your desired change through.

2. Create a road map to your end goal

3 words - plan of action! If you’ve heard of backward planning then it’s your best tool to succeed in implementing your new habits. Since you know what you want your end goal is, work backwards from there and set milestones that you work towards one at a time. That way it will be less overwhelming and seem more achievable. Baby steps my friend, baby steps!

3. Acknowledge your achievements

As a person who lives on the life mantra of “treat yourself” this might be a biased opinion, but I think it’s super important to acknowledge the smallest progress that you make. If you do, you'll be able to appreciate all the progress you’re making and in that find motivation to keep moving forward (beyond January!)

4. Make sure your resolution is adding value to your life

If you’re going to make a change in your life, make it because YOU want to make it not because you think that is what is expected of you. The moment your resolution is self-driven rather than driven by peer pressure it will automatically become easier to pursue. I can’t tell you what to do but if your resolution doesn’t add positive value to your life or doesn’t make you happier in general then you should ask yourself, is it really worth it?

Just remember to live your best life in 2021, and we will try to continue to keep your entertained, informed and relevant!