8 Revision Tips Every Student Needs To Know

It’s the dreadful exam season, and the revision stage is no fun. However, here are some tips that can help make this phase less stressful and more productive.

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1.Figure out what type of learner you are

There are essentially 4 types of learning techniques, and when you figure out which works best, you will figure out what revision style will work best. If you need some help figuring it out, we wrote a whole blog to help you figure out your learning style.

2. Create a very detailed revision timetable

Make sure you record how much content you want to cover each day, when you will revise every subject and even a time limit to make sure you cover everything. What helped me was setting small goals it kept me encouraged and protected me from burning out.

3. Make sure to remove distractions

Okay, I know this is not new information, but I came across this video on my FYP and thought this was a creative way of removing distractions. In case you really don’t have any sense of control (like me!) 

4. Use old exam papers

I'll let you in on a little secret your professors will take “inspiration'“ for questions they had designed for previous papers. So, you need to get your hands on past papers and solve them. It will make you familiar with what kind of questions you should expect and re-visit key topics. You will mostly find all available past papers in your library, I recommend starting there.

5. Identify Important Topics

The night before is not the time to cram everything, but you still got to revise, so concise the content. Every lecture will have key topics, identify them, shrink your notes and use ONLY that for your last minute revision. The worst thing you can do to yourself is overwhelming yourself the night before with your fat stack of notes.

I also asked my colleagues and friends to share their top revision tips and here are some of them, incase these techniques resonate with you and can help.

6. Flashcards


Quiz yourself while doing other tasks like cooking, laundry or when you go out for a walk. It helps to take the pressure off, get chores done and gets you moving.

7. Teach your mate/study buddy

This one worked wonders in helping me retain heaps of information. If you have a study group or have a friend taking the same subject, take turns in teaching each other. Honestly, teaching and being taught both worked equally well.  Additionally, you can record yourself pretending to teach an online class, which would work too.

8. Post-it notes

Sticking post-it notes all around your house will help you revise in short spurts. I mean, if you are surrounded with your notes, you’re bound to remember it, right?

Everyone has their own way of revising, so a little trial and error will help you figure out your own.